Technical Manager - Team 1
Hi! My name is Namrata Gupta and I am a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student at University of Texas at Austin. I was born in India and moved to Texas when I was 8 years old. I went to the high school through the Global Studies Academy, which provided me with a global education and made a more conscious person. My experiences have inspired me to use my engineering education to make a difference in the world. On campus, I am the PAL Coordinator for Women in Mechanical Engineering, a Resident Assistant in the dorms, and a mentor for a group of first year students. I love to work with people and the community, so I am excited to work with my team and the Suchilquitongo community on this project. In my free time, I love read, travel, and binge watch TV shows. I believe working with my team and the community on this project will be an eye opening and inspirational journey.