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Day 5: Solar Oven Building & Bonding with Community

Hello PUC followers,

Today, we had breakfast at our hotel at 8 AM and enjoyed delicious ham and cheese quesadillas accompanied with fresh papaya. After eating breakfast, we made our trek to the work site and resumed our work at 9:30. Today we focused on finishing our frame and cutting pieces of our insulation.

The community members have been a tremendous help in the building process and have taught us many building tips along the way. Carlos has especially been helpful with Team One’s solar oven and has proved to be a drilling expert. After a couple hours of hard work, we dispersed for lunch, which was breaded chicken accompanied with beans and fruit. After lunch, we decided to get to know the community members better by playing outdoor games such as baseball and Frisbee.

After lunch, we packed up and headed back to Hotel Pedregal. We were able to rest for a little bit and enjoyed a nice dinner before heading to our team debrief. During our team debrief we discussed how we felt about our experiences in Oaxaca and reflected upon each other’s responses. Personally, I have enjoyed seeing our team grow closer to the community members and am excited to see how we continue to grow together.

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