Day 7: Visit to Community Museum & Archeological Site
Hello friends and family of PUC Mexico! Today is Sunday here in Suchil, and we had an exciting day of rest from our project. First, our...

Day 6: Learning About Mesquite & Amaranth
Hola todos! Wow what a day! Though it was a Saturday, we left for work after a breakfast of watermelon, ham, and pancakes at the usual...

Day 5: Solar Oven Building & Bonding with Community
Hello PUC followers, Today, we had breakfast at our hotel at 8 AM and enjoyed delicious ham and cheese quesadillas accompanied with fresh...

Day 4: Connecting with Community & Oven Building
Buenos dias a todos, Today was a day filled with highlights, so get ready for a long blog entry! Although it may have seemed like a...

Day 3: Meeting Community & 1st Day of Building
Hola todos! We have now officially spent a full day in Suchilquitongo! It was a busy day filled with introductions, building a work...

Day 2: Orientation & Arrival in Suchilquitongo
Hola todos! We arrived in Santiago Suchilquitongo tonight after a long day of gathering our materials to build the solar ovens. We...

Day 1: Arrival in Oaxaca City
Hola, everyone! Team PUC Mexico has made it safely to Oaxaca! We all flew in from different locations and arrived throughout the day, but...

Jumping into Implementation
Today all of the PUC Mexico team is en route to Oaxaca, and we're looking forward to a lot of different things throughout our 3-week...

Experimentation Update
We're looking forward to spring weather's arrival in Austin because this means better testing conditions for our ovens! Though our...

Prototyping Update
We have spent the first few weeks of the semester prototyping our solar dryer designs. After a woodshop training in the ECJ (Civil...